Photo by Marissa Daeger on Unsplash

Is this the future on how we will talk to each other?

Brenda Elise Finne
2 min readNov 1, 2022


Before the computer, my phone book was filled with friends & family written in hand, with pen or pencil. Now, they are on my Iphone, though, some have faded from my life.

Why? Because I’m still having a difficult time learning how to maintain a friendship through zoom and zoom alone. Or phone, and phone alone. Starved to see live people I venture after work to the gym, cafe, or the grocery store.

One day at a new cafe, I noticed they posted a question on the glass partition at the Barista station. It said, “If you could only eat one dish for the rest of your life, what would it be?”

On the counter they had a stack of post-it’s and a few pens. It was covered with hundreds of post-its, i.e.; Butter Chicken, Taco’s, Pizza, My Grandma’s Spaghetti, Fruit Salad, Seafood Gumbo from New Orleans.

I had so much fun reading everyone’s answers in their own handwriting. Some had pictures, many ended with explanation marks!! The enthusiasm was heartfelt.

I sat at the table facing all these people through their words, while reading my book. Their energy was palatable. When I left, I was rejuvenated and could go on with my day.

Maybe this could this be a new trend where other’s congregate.

In a corporate office lobby, library, grocery store, or the gym. I envision a chalkboard, large, with big bright letters painted on top saying “Welcome”.

Every week a new question would be posted.

A playground to “rest” your mind, or a place to fling all your worries?

Would people write with caution, making sure no one was watching, or would there be no care at all with their public display.

Some rules would need to be reminded:
— Kindness only
— Bully’s not allowed
— Forewarn — there’s a camera watching!

Would that deter the naysayers and rude behavior?

Maybe yes, maybe no, — I think it would be worthwhile to find out and take a test drive.

Turn it into a book, a documentary, a social experiment?

The possibilities are endless!



Brenda Elise Finne

A curiosity hunter, Brenda is inspired by the sparkle of a good conversation. She posts approx. 1x a month — not wanting to lose focus on completing her memoir.